Thursday, May 8, 2008
How To Overcome A Stammer
How To Overcome A Stammer How To Overcome A Stammer by http:www.articledashboard.comprofileblueboy1471blueboyMy name is Stephen Hill, I have overcome a stammer which had been a major thorn in my side for eighteen years. My aim in life is to try and help as many other people to achieve fluency as I can. When I had a stammer, I would attend speech therapy, at which I would be told to slow down or to take a deep breath before talking. This did not seem to help me very much and after attending these speech therapy lessons for eighteen years decided it probably never would. I firmly believed that my own stammer was very much a physcological as well as a physical problem as at times I could talk very well, like for example when I was talking to my girlfriend or when I was talking when I was drunk. I decided to read a lot of books about positive thinking for example and at the same time started to study how good fluent talkers were speaking compared to me. I was basically trying to re-learn how to speak. It was hard for me to truly believe I would ever be able to achieve fluency as everyone had always told me that you can not overcome a stammer. After about a year though I managed to overcome the stammer and then started to help other people to achieve fluency. Stephen Hill runs The How To Stop Stammering Centre in Birmingham. Stephen Hill promotes various websites including: information male symptom Article Directory: http:www.articledashboard.comArticle Dashboard