Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Levee Growth

Next Workshop:
Sacramento, CA., March 8 & 9. Click here for details

Levee Growth - DETAIL - Watercolor by Woody Hansen
(Click image to view entire painting)

Despite the sky being overcast, today was a good day to paint at the river. The American River levee was replete with lush growth and signs of impending spring.

I set up along the river bank, near a rivulet which echoed the sounds of a babbling brook, or stream. The calming sound of the water was only occasionally punctuated by the “thunk” of a wooden oar banging against the side of an aluminum boat filled with three fishermen.

My painting was interrupted only once, by a polite young man who—after looking at the work on my easel and the scenery (water) in front of me—asked, “What are you painting?” It is interesting that almost everyone assumes all outdoor artists paint only what is in front of them. Another interesting comment often comes when strangers see me painting, complete with easel, brushes, palette, etc., and ask, “Are you an artist” or, “Are you painting?” It is amusing in that people don’t ask of someone with a fishing rod, waders, and related fishing gear, “Are you a fisherman?”

Bottom line: The fishermen went home empty handed, but I came home with a painting. For me, it was a good day in the neighborhood.