Filed under: OpEd, Big Brother (US)
They enjoy primping in the Big Brother 9 house, don't they? Alas, they can only primp their exteriors. If this group of hamsters could primp their language (so the aired shows wouldn't have so many bleeped out bits), their behaviors (so they're not ranting at each other for hours on end), their sexual activities (so I don't think I'm watching bad amateur porn and feel all creepy about it) ... could it still be good TV?I think so. Language will always be an issue. But I think back to one of my favorite seasons, the second season. There was some cuddling, but not like outright porn. Ah, but this year they gave 'em a bowl of condoms. Now that I've had no spoiler information on the main page (yes, there is a method to my madness), read past the jump for show spoilers and the latest news from inside the house!
Continue reading Big Brother 9: Live feeds report - March 4
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