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Sacramento, CA., March 8 & 9. Click here for details
Green Growth - DETAIL – Watercolor by Woody Hansen
(Click image to view entire painting)
Green Growth was an enjoyable, non-objective experience. In the beginning I had no value plan, nor pre-sketch, or definitive direction other than to attempt to create something unique. I allowed the shapes, colors, and values to develop—for the most part—on their own. I find the process not always pleasant, nor easy, and only infrequently pleasing. However, when it seems to work the reward is fulfilling. Some might call this approach high risk, high gain. Others might call it (fill in negative term here). So it is with Green Growth.
Every once in a great while, I do a painting that reminds me of a track from an old, Stan Kenton* album. Toward the conclusion of a cut called, Prologue (This Is An Orchestra), Stan—who during the recording comments about music and each featured musician—with great pride and authority, shouts above the crescendo of his big band—“THIS is an ORCHESTRA!”
Something to which we all aspire: the urge to shout about a watercolor, “THIS is a PAINTING!
Recommended listening …
*Stan Kenton album: Kenton New Concepts of Artistry In Rhythm
Prologue (This Is An Orchestra)
You can hear this music (free) HERE.
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