Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Some of you may remember when I bought my Rav4 a couple of years ago. At that time, I decided to keep the 1992 Toyota Corolla sedan I’d been driving forever, for several reasons. The old car still ran well, it only increased my total insurance costs by ten bucks a year, and it would do nicely as a backup if, for some reason, I couldn’t keep the Rav 4.

Well, even though it was still ticking over like a watch, I had to spend about six hundred bucks on getting work done this week so it would pass the Kalifornia smog check in order to be registered. Faced with that kind of bill, I was sort of at a crossroads: just junk it and forget the smog, or get the smog, and then - what the hell - fix it up.

I opted for number two. You never know when you’ll need a backup car. So now you see what it looks like after an Earl Scheib Viper Red paint job, four cheapo hubcaps from Kragen, and a whole bunch of armor-all slathered all over the interior.

Looks pretty good, actually. And at only 158,000 miles, I figger it ought to be good to go for another 100k.