This article points to something I’ve been trying my best to communicate to others about the iPhone–you’ll find yourself using it like no other device.
For instance, I find myself checking stock prices–simply because it’s so easy to do with the iPhone–even when I don’t really care what they do one way or another.
I also use the iPhone as my personal weather checker—I’ve given up on TV and online weather services, except when I need a live radar map. Hint, hint, hint, hint, hint.
I also use the iPhone every day as my personal alarm to remind me to take my medication. Works well so far.
And more often than not I go to my iPhone to keep up to date on news listed on ">Techmeme and Thredr. This goes the same for following Twitter.
I also use the iPhone as my primary camera, but that’s quite typical I think for most cell phone users today.
One thing I don’t do is email a lot with my cell phone. I don’t know why. I just don’t.
Now there are some things I think are missing:
1) Flash. I can’t live without it. There are too many sites I want to visit that have Flash videos nowadays. I can’t see them on the iPhone. The lack of Silverlight support is increasingly going to become a problem too. It’s a bummer.
2) Weather radar maps as I hinted at above.
3) Better navigation through the map program. It crashes less today than it used to, but it’s not quite right.
4) Listening to music is OK, but why isn’t there a free radio station I can listen to wirelessly?
5) When I’m actually using the iPhone as a phone, why can’t I leverage WiFi when the wide area network is too weak? Dropped calls or no signal strength happens to me all the time. It’s quite disappointing.
6) I want to broadcast live video. The Nokia N95 is looking better and better every day because of this.
7) Where’s speech recognition-slash-TTS–slash–audio recording?
8 ) And, and, and…You get the point, the iPhone is not perfect, but then again, what is? Lots of room for experimentation and future features.