The How’s And Why’s Of Link BaitingWriting articles and relevant content and including the best keywords in your website is all good, as after all as they say, content is king. But if content is king, where is the queen?
Linking could very well be the perfect candidate for the office. Your website is no good if there is no traffic coming in for a look at it. One of the jobs of a search engine optimizer is to ensure that a website gets sufficient traffic or visitors coming in.
Hyper linking or linking takes an SEO’s efforts forward by a jump by getting people to either link to a client’s website or else link someone else’s website to the client site.
There are various techniques that SEO’s make use of to accomplish this, link baiting being one of the more popular ones. Link baiting rides on the concept of drawing visitors to a particular site based on the manner in which the content is written.
The content can be a sounding board of co-related ideas or it can be a pool of controversies; either way it has to possess the ‘buzz-factor’ in order to draw second-looks and get attention from a wide reach of interested individuals. Source: